Date: 12-Feb-2002
Question: Dear Sir
I am 28 years of age. I am a M B A (finance) graduate
currently working for a foreign bank for the past
4 years. I am not enjoying my work and desperately want
to change my career. Could you kindly suggest some
career options? I am interested in creative work and
management. I am currently pursuing my MA in psychology
out of own interest. I am a computer literate. Can I step
into IT industry? if so what are my options and
oppurtunities? kindly guide me
sudharson |
Dear Sudharson,
For bringing out your creativity potential in the field of Computer
science, you may go in for a course on Graphic designing/ Multimedia.
This has a lot of demand in this era of web and internet. This will
also open doors for entry into the IT industry.
All the very best.
Your counsel |
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