Subject: Masters in Hindi Journalism in USA
Date: 14-Sep-2008
Question: I am khushbu I am in USA. I was complete my bachelors in India Bihar 2006. Main apna masters karna chahti hoon journalism mein hindi mein How to possible my question is ? |
Answer: Hi Khushbu...
You can do your Masters in Journalism through distance education if you are staying in U.S. I am sending you the names of some universities from where you can do this course:
- Nalanda Open University, Patna : (Bihar)
2nd/3rd Floor, Biscomaun Bhawan, Gandhi Maidan, Patna 800 001 Email: nalopuni@sancharnet.in
Website : www.nalandaopenuniversity.com
- Kurukshetra University Directorate of Distance Education, Kurukshetra : (Haryana)
Directorate of Distance Education, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra - 136 119
- Indira Gandhi National Open University, Delhi
- Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal - 26,
Madhya Pradesh (India)
Phone : 2677700(700), 4287028(728)
Email: buregistrar@yahoo.co.in
- Dr. Harisingh Gour University,
Sagar, Pin-470 003
Madhya Pradesh, India.
Fax: 264163,223236 ,
EPBX: 91-7582-264574, 264475, 264417,264019
Web Site: http://www.sagaruniversity.nic.in/services/dis_home.htm
- Guru Jambheshwar University,
Delhi Road, Hisar Haryana-125001 Phone : 01662 - 68104
Email : gju_tech@yahoo.com
Website: www.gju.ernet.in/
- KOTA Open University,
Rawatbhata Road, Kota Rajasthan-324010
Phone : 744 - 470971,91 - 744 - 421947 , 91 - 744 - 430572
Email : ambarish@jp1.dot.net.in
Website : www.koukota.com
Hope this helps CareerAge Counselor |
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