Subject: Have done D.Ed. but don't want to do B.Ed or M.Ed.
Date: 4-Sep-2007
Question: i have done my d.ed and intersted in any kind of dregree courses, i have heard about human resouces with psy is a good coures would it help me in my teaching career or which is the best thing to do in teaching field i m not intrested in doing b.ed or m.ed plz guide me some thing better which would give me a better furture |
Answer: As you have already done your D.Ed and do not want to pursue a B.Ed/ M.Ed, you could think of doing a B.Ed( special education) as there are innumerous opportunities available in India and abroad after doing this course. Human Resources course would not help you in teaching career much as it is more management oriented and would require you to work in an office setup. If you plan to take up Psychology as a career then you should have it at your graduate level followed with a Masters and then your specialization. You could also take the NET exam for lectureship after completing your Masters and get back to teaching again!
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