Subject: Opening for Commerce Graduate in Computer stream
Date: 21-Feb-2002
Question: Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a B.Com graduate with computer background. I did,earlier, DTP, Corel draw,
Windows, Windows NT, HTML , C++, Visual Basic, Oracle, Networking etc.
I am now doing IBM e-business (e-commerce) course and will finish it soon.
I do this with the idea of making my career in e-commerce in India/Abroad. I know HTML & Java thoroughly.
But I am frustrated & confused when I see the advertisements for
e-commerce jobs in the designations of web designer, web programmer,
web master, web administrator etc, each of which specifies requirements of
different tools & skills.
Could you advise me as to what knowledge I should possess for a good job & prosperous career?
My present course does NOT cover multimedia like Photoshop, Flash, Director,
Dreamweaver, Shockwave etc. Also the course does NOT include VC++, Com, Dcom, CORBA,
Web sphere, Web logic, Cold Fusion, Broad Vision, Visual Age, Visual
Cafe, XML, Oracle Internet Commerce Server, Apache etc.
Is LINUX required ? Should I study one or more of the above topics separately
somewhere else to get a good job? If so, which of the above should I
study extra?
Further almost all jobs ask for BE/B Tech /MCA . Will I find a job with B.Com &
e-commerce? |
Answer: You have already done a lot of courses. Instead of joining another one, I would suggest that you consider your aptitude, personality and interests very carefully. Out of all the various subjects that you have learnt through the courses determine which one interests you the most. The choices will really be between the front end design and back end programming.
If you have an aesthetic and creative bent of mind, focus on graphic designing and multimedia. Else pursue the databases and programming stream. Sharpen your skills through in-depth study, practice and live projects if possible.
It is not necessary that every job requires a B.E./M.C.A There are ample jobs for diploma holders who have the right skills. These tools are just a means of implementing the concepts and there are new tools in the market every day. So do not get bogged down by that. Just get yourself into the right direction, practice till you are perfect and work hard.
Since Java and HTML are your plus points, I think you should pursue that.
Wish you all the best!
Your counsel. |
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