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Subject: FYBCOM & SYBCOM in India and TYBCOM in UAE?
Date: 19-May-2003
Question: Dear Sir/Madam,
I had done SYBCOM from Mumbai in 1999 and wish to do TYBCOM and MBA later on. But when I came here in Dubai in 2000 and searching for TYBCOM Exams of Mumbai University, but cannot. Here I am having Madurai university, which they are advising me to do FY, SY & TYBCOM for 3 years again. Please advice what should I do. as I had interest to do MBA. Shall I go for TYBCOM or BBA. Thank you.
Answer: Check for correspondence course from Mumbai Univ. All universities have. No point doing all three years again. MBA is a good course, but first sort out B.Com part with Mumbai Univ.

Your counsel.