Subject: Should I mention Employment
gap after Graduation?
Date: 24-Mar-2003
Question: Dear Sir/Madam,
I am an Electrical Engineer having 10 years experience in large organisation.
Currently, I am in search of job in SAP field. My problem is, there is a
gap for 4 years after my graduation & I was trying for central govt jobs
during this period but failed in my attempt & later started career as
a fresher. Disclosing the truth (which is not at all relevant to the present
field) as per friends, will negate my prospect. Thank you. |
Answer: In my opinion sticking to the truth shall be the best.
One does not have to face inconsistencies and if at any later stage truth
is found out it will only go against you or you may face blackmail by the
opportunist. Every one makes a decision and not all decisions are favorable.
In my opinion, you need to make an alibi or an answer considering the real
facts and the logic. The other person will understand. But do not look back
in awe or bitterness. It was the best decision taken at that time. Results
were the other way is a different thing. You tried the best that was due then.
No regrets. Remember, all HR guys will poke their nose in to the gaps.
Unexplained gaps, or ill explained gaps bring about unnecessarily issues
that do not help in selection. So practice your answer. Do not treat this
loss casually. It is a heavy price that you have paid for, but how long should
you let it plague your life? |
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