Subject: Courses in civil aviation management
Date: 31-Dec-2007
Question: Sir, I want to know all about aviation management courses, it's probable duration, total expenditures and institutions in India. |
Answer: Aviation courses in India deal with Flying Operation, Aircrew, Aircraft, Air Traffic Management, technical aspects of flight, Aviation Safety, Regulatory policies and economics of airport. These courses are beneficial to those who wish to work in government or regulatory bodies of aviation or as an aviation consultant. With the upgradation, liberalization and privatization of airports there is an unprecedented demand for training in aviation.
One needs to complete his /her class 12 with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. The following institutes offer courses in Aviation management:
Indian Institute of Aeronautics, Delhi Contact: 011-25911882/25163367
Bharat Insitute of Aeronautics, Patna Contact: 0612-2224160/2221696
Indian Institute of Aeronautics Science, Jamshedpur Contact: 0657-2309349/2223062
Hindustan Institute of Aeronautics, Bhopal Contact: 0755-2748018/2665473
Indian Institute of Aeronautical Science, Kolkata Contact: 033-25673830/25673832 .
Avalon Aviation Academy, Aptech House,A/65, MIDC, Andheri (E), Mumbai -400093. Tel:28272300
Avalon has many more centres all over India.
Hope that helps.
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