Subject: Want to join Merchant Navy
Date: 22-May-2002
Question: Dear Sir/Madam,
I have given my board exam of 12th standard I have got 55%. I am planing to
do Merchant Navy but my parents say to me to do B.Sc I.T. If I want to join
now Merchant Navy now where should I apply for this in Mumbai will I get it?
Is B.Sc I.T. a good course and are there jobs after doing this course or I
should do courses like M.C.A. or M.B.A.? Is Hotel Management a good course or B.Sc I.T. Thanks. |
Answer: Your marks are not very good and you should look at a job-oriented career.
Merchant Navy should be the answer to your dilemma. Hotel Management is also
a good option. |
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